Λόγω Ψυχής παρουσιάσεις άρθρα διακρίσεις

Αθήνα, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2018
Πρόσφατες διακρίσεις, παρουσιάσεις και άρθρα

Androutsopoulou, A., Dima, E., Gioni, F., Regli, D., Papageorgiou, S., Papanikolaou, T. (2017, July). ‘Love, play, work’: An extended narrative analysis of O’ Keeffe’s beginning and ending autobiography episodes. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Paris, France.

Androutsopoulou, A., Hourmouzoglou, M., Iliopoulou, E., Kalamaki-Stravoskoufi,K.,  Korovilas, C.,  Papandreou, I-E., Papanikolaou, T. (2017, July). More on telling sensitive family stories: An extended narrative analysis of Children’s Apperception Test results. Poster presented at the 8th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Paris, France.
Androutsopoulou, A. & Stefanou, M.M. (in print). Seeking “home”: Personal narratives and turning points in the lives of homeless. The European Journal of Counselling Psychology.

Androutsopoulou, A. & Viou (2017, July). Inner Dialogue-Child Adult Meeting (ID-CAM): Extending the narrative analysis of protocols from a guided imagery therapy activity. Poster session presented at the 8th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Paris, France. (1st prize poster session award)

Bafiti, T., Androutsopoulou, A., Kalarritis, G. (2017, December). The application of the synthetic model of systemic therapy SANE-System Attachment Narrative Encephalon on supervision: An example. Round table presentation at the 8th one-day conference of NOPG-Greece (ΕΛΨΕ), Athens, Greece. [in Greek]
Iliopoulou, S., Tsiafouti, D., Vitali, M-K., Kanellopoulos, A., Barouta, H., Skarakis, G., (2017, May). Completing disrupted narratives of trauma: A qualitative study of clients' favorite fictional stories. Symposium presentation at the 16th National Congress of Psychological Research of the Hellenic Psychological Association (ΕΛΨΕ), Thessaloniki, Greece [in Greek].

Moschakis, C., Viou, M., Nikolaou, A. (2017, July). What does love have to do with therapy? A narrative analysis of how clients perceive and experience therapists’ emotional expressions. Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of Psychotherapy, Paris, France.
Passa, I., Tarnara, E., Kalyvopoulos, I., Koukidis, E., Koutsavgousti, G., Tsatsaroni, C., Androutsopoulou, A., C. (2017, May). “Nobody’s husband”: A narrative analysis of Frida Kahlo’s essay ‘Portrait of Diego’. Symposium presentation 16th National Congress of Psychological Research of the Hellenic Psychological Association (ΕΛΨΕ), Thessaloniki, Greece [in Greek].
Rozou, E., Vakondiou, M., Nioti, N., Androutsopoulou, A (2017, May). ‘Addressing the Memoir Club.’ Narrative strategies in Virginia Woolf’s recollections of sexual abuse. Symposium presentation 16th National Congress of Psychological Research of the Hellenic Psychological Association (ΕΛΨΕ), Thessaloniki, Greece [in Greek].

Vassilakis, P., Antonogianaki, A., Papageorgopoulou, O., Pisimisi, M., Stefanou, M-M., Tsiougou, K. (2017, May) Monitoring therapy progress through analysis of a dream series: A single narrative case study. Symposium presentation 16th National Congress of Psychological Research of the Hellenic Psychological Association (ΕΛΨΕ), Thessaloniki, Greece [in Greek].


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Τμήμα Εκπαίδευσης και Α.Α. Δυναμικού ΟΚΑΝΑ. Γκότσης Ηλίας , Άννα Κιαπόκα, Γιώργος Λεχουρίτης Εκπαιδευτική ομάδα για το Συστημικό Συνθετικό Μοντέλο Καταξιωτικής Διερεύνησης Βιωματικό εργαστήριο στην Ημερίδα της ΕΛΕΣΥΘ με θέμα: «Δουλεύοντας με το ανοίκειο: Φωνές που περιορίζουν και φωνές που διευκολύνουν. Προ(σ)κλήσεις για Καταξιωτικά βλέμματα και Καταξιωτικές πρακτικές»

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